Wednesday 18 May 2016

60+ Best and Latest Truth or Dare Questions to Ask

           we are familiar with the best and dare question  it is part of classic game which can be played by the group of people or group to em-brass the each other .

In This Game all the people group of team member asking the queries  Dare truth .some people might use the truth option where they need to answers  the queries fruitfully .

This truth or dare questions queries it gives a  lots of courage and joy ness .In this Game, the participant can share truth or dare ideas to perform their one task.

Before Going to perform this game lemme explain the basic rule of this dares for truth or dare question for the new bies .where the newbies can not know the dare question  rules .

Basic rules of this Good Dare Game:

In this truth or dare questions people has perform which they had given or else if they are not to perform the task they need to reveal the truth or pay some penalty . 

 Just think that if the participant has given a some task to perform .if the person can not able to perform the task they need to reveal their truth  form their life.
truth or dare questions

Lets see the funny truth or dare questions:

ya we have the best list best truth or dare questions to ask a guy . i seek out many site but  i can not find the best good truth or dares question but i  can not find so later we decided why we can't make some best truth or dare questions list .

so lets see we can list out the best truth or dare questions where we can copy that in a diary when u have chance to organised the game to ask just use this dare questions list.

Funny statuses for Facebook:
  •  Crack an egg on your head.
  •  Drink a mystery brew concocted by the rest of the group. Make sure there is nothing harmful or dangerous in the concoction and set a reasonable limit of sips the person must take to complete the dare.
  •  Post a YouTube video of you singing a currently popular song.
  • Wear a funny hat on your head for the next three rounds of questions.
  •  Set up a tea party between any of the stuffed animals in the house. Invite the girls in your group to join.
  •  Run around the room imitating a monkey.
  •  If there is a pet at the event, try to hold the pet for the rest of the night.
  •  Everything you say for the rest of the game has to rhyme.
  • Take 10 minutes to come up with an outfit that has every color of the rainbow. Borrow things from friends as you need to.
  • Take off your socks and wear them on your hands for the rest of the evening.
  •  Ask the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar.
  •   Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper
  •  Tell your deepest secret to your partner. 
  •   Which person here knows something about you that you wouldn't want revealed?
  •   How long have you gone without showering?
Best Funny truth or dare questions:
  •   Have you ever told a lie during a game of Truth or Dare? What was it and why?
  •   What kind of pajamas do you wear to bed?
  •   If you couldn't go to the college or get the job of your dreams, what would you do?
  •   If you knew the world was about to end, what would you do?
  •   If you could be born again, who would you come back as?
  •   If your life were made into a movie who would play you?
  •   If you could be a superhero, what would your power be?
  •   What is your biggest fear?
  •   Do an impression of your favorite celebrity
  •   Sing everything you say for the next 10 minutes
  •   Make a poem using the words orange and moose
  •   Make up a short rap about another player
  •   Brush someone else’s teeth
  •  Get on all fours and act like a dog until your next turn
  •  Belly dance to a country song
  •  Do an impression of someone until another player can guess who you are
  •  Exchange shirts with the person next to you for the next round of questions.
  •  Wear your pants backward for the rest of the game.
  •  Moonwalk while a friend takes a video.
  •  Call someone you think is attractive and pay that person a compliment about his or her best feature.

  • Go outside and sing a clip of your favorite Disney song at the top of your lungs.
  • Pretend to be a waiter or waitress and take snack orders from everyone in the group. Bring them the food they ordered and then check back to see if they like it.
  •  Eat a snack without using your hands
  • Would you abandon your best friends for 1 million dollars?
  • What is one embarrassing fact I should know about you?
  • If there was no such thing as money, what would you do with your life?
  •  If you were trapped on an island for 3 days, what would you take with you?
  •  Who is your favourite person and why?
  •  Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What is your dream wedding?
  • If you could take away one bad thing in the world, what would it be?
  • If you could change one thing on your body, what would it be?
  •  Describe your worst kiss ever?

Over To you:

As we have listed the truth or dare questions for the new bies to conduct the game if they don't know the dare questions this list might help u to get the new idea or else if u have any new idea share with us get reward from us .is u know the truth or dare questions just leave a comment or else mail us .if u like the post the so please share with your friends in Facebook and other social media.


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