Wednesday 18 May 2016

100+ Top Best Good Dares For Girls & Guys

            Hey guys today we have the best good dares for truth or dare people where we can have the dareness to play this game.Truth or Dare is one of my favorite game where we play the game having  a dareness .
we need the dares for truth or dare people to play this games.this dare guys have their most experience because they already played .so many people they don't have dare to play the game.

This Game can be played around 4-8 members in a group .where the group of people can sit at one place and turn .the people can opt the dare or Truth this game can be played to show the funny dares  to the group people.

some people have the best good truths for  and show the truth or dare to play.

This Game its all depends on the Truth and Dare where the participant and perform the one task and complete the task or they need to reveal the truth of their life.

This people ask the queries to the girls  and perform the task ,some people have the good funny dares for truth or crazy dares to ask question for the group people.Good dares have there best guts in there blood where they can perform all the dares in the group.

On the other hand the  people , when a “Dare” is chosen, the other guys need to give him/her any task as a “dare”, which the needs to be completed.
Sometimes this dares game might come emtaressings.sometimes it will gives more joyness .hey come on just its like a game dont embrass each other and lets people the good dares for truth or dare question to well played .we have the best list of funny dares question i hope u might like this jsu lookahead.

Good dares for truth or list of dares:

  • Do a headstand for one minute.
  • Drink a glass of wine in less than 15 seconds.
  • Brush the teeth of the person sitting next to you.
  • Sit on the lap of a guy for 10 minutes.
  • Shave the legs of a man.
  •  Call up your crush and declare your love for him.
  •  Striptease for thirty whole seconds.
  •  Make an obscene phone call to a random number.
  • Remove the socks of a person sitting next to you with your teeth.
  • Eat a raw egg with chocolate.
  •  Bark like a dog.
  •  Remove your panties and give it to a guy.
  •  Yell at the top of your voice.
  •  Stuff ice cubes in the mouth for a minute.
  •  Lick a bar of soap.
  •  Take off one item of clothing.
  •  Wet your hair and apply shampoo, but don’t rinse it off.
  •  Blow in someone’s ear
  •  Show everything that’s in your purse
  •  Talk continuously for ten whole minutes
  • Let someone else do you a makeup
  • Have someone wrap a tape around your neck
  •  Jump rope 150 times
  • Post a 1000 word Facebook status for no reason

Good Dare For Guys: 

  • Lick the floor.
  • Hop around the room.
  • Go out on the road and say ‘I LOVE YOU’ to the first person you see.
  • Call your crush and tell her mom that you like her daughter.
  • Eat a piece of dog or cat food
  •  Kiss a stuffed animal like it is your crush.
  •  Draw a bunny on your face with only lipstick. Don’t look in the mirror.
  •  Do 40 pushups in less than a minute.
  •  Have someone to call a random person in the phone book and pretend to be her BF.
  • ite about a dirty fantasy you would never actually do in real life.
  •  Pretend like you’re in a Toyota commercial. Sing, “I love what you do for me, TOYOTA!” and jump into the air.
  •  Get someone to tie you down so you can’t move. Have them melt ice cubes all over your body.
  • Lick the toes of a female player for the next one minute.
  •  Go out and drive your car in reverse gear for at least 25 yards, without stopping.
  •        utside and dance like a cowboy.
  •  Smell the feet of everyone in the room
  •  Show everything that is in your wallet
  •  Drink a glass of wine in 10 seconds
  •  Peel a potato with your teeth
  •  Most the most embarrassing photo of yours, as FB profile picture.
  •  Apply petroleum jelly on your face and sit for 30 mins

Good Dares for Teens:

  • Oh, wait! Why should adults have all the fun? So, teens here’s your share of good dares to        try out with your friends.
  •  Lick someone’s foot 2 times.
  •  Do whatever someone wants for the rest of the day.
  •  Continuously talk for 3 minutes without stopping.
  •  Soak your T-shirt in water and put them in the fridge for 20 min, and then wear it.
  •  Draw something on the face in permanent marker.
  •  Exchange a clothing item with the player on your right.
  •  Smell a dirty sock for 10 seconds.
  • Give every tree in your yard, a big hug.
  •  Peel a banana with your feet.
  •  Stand on your head for 10 straight seconds.
Finally we have the listed the good dares for the group people who wants to play the truth and dare  game so if u have the best one so please replay in comment so we will be added in our list .so if u have any querries regarding to this post so lemme know in comment if u like the post then please share in the facebook and other social media sites.

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